
Organized Thread

my dad spent some time making me another thread holder- (I still have more thread but this is working great for some coats & clark)

I <3 organized thread, it just makes me so happy! It is one of the few things that I actually keep organized and drives me crazy when it isn't.

In the works are a couple of tutorials (and yes, I know I still have two holiday projects to share with you, but I felt like they were more of January projects and will be making their appearance soon.) I also have a fun valentine's project that I can't wait to share. Have a fun rest of the afternoon!


  1. I love your thread rack - how nice that your dad can make fun stuff like that for you.
    Look forward to the new fun stuff that you will be posting.

  2. I love myself some organized thread too! My sewing room always looks like a bomb went off (as my mom used to tell me: creative minds are rarely tidy), but my thread is neat and organized by color!
