
Too many things to fit in a day...

this week has been so busy, here's a little recap (and sorry in advance for no pictures since I am totally being lame and forgetting to take any...):
Tuesday- work in the morning, then I spent the afternoon finishing all the prep for my quilting class that was later that evening. Went out to the quilt barn to teach my 1 of a 6 part class on Beginning Quilting. (this is one of the classes that I teach through CSI Community Education Program). The class was a blast and I went over the basics tools and terms along with teaching Block 1 (it was a pinwheel!) All the students seemed very excited and they made excellent progress with the beginning of there quilt.
Wednesday- work in the morning and afternoon, then I made "bat" chicken pot pie (I used a bat cookie cutter to cut out the top of the crust), then I spent the evening catching up on google reader, drinking tea and watching my favorite show Criminal Minds.
Thursday- work in the morning, the afternoon was filled with errands and the evening was the monthly Modern Quilt Guild meeting. We talked about all kinds of quilty goodness and ate some wonderful treats.
Friday so far, work this morning, dealing with a bunch of crazy wasps and getting ready to cook some dinner, then settle in with a movie.  I was planning to try and get some sewing in this afternoon but that didn't happen so tomorrow is the day! (at least an hour or so...)

How was your week? Did you get anything finished up? 

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